Friday, February 27, 2009

What is the future of Model Casting Online?

There is much talk about newspapers becoming more web based, and charging people to read the news online, and print going gone in the near future. I read the WSJ(sent to the apartment), and I do but the NYPOST and Daily News often. I do visit news websites and for my own marketing I do read the news online every day as well. I am always reading the news. However internet reading inspires me to think of internet casting.

How should model casting sites work? Should they cost money per submission? Should internet casting sites such as,, charge monthly or yearly, or by per submission you make?

Also is the casting director suffering because the online casting systems? In the future are major brands going to go to top agencies to find models like they always have? Or will bigger brands and magazines be casting online more often since more people are within the online social scene?

I find there is a lack of seriousness with an online casting. It brings questions, is this legit, will I get paid, who is the production company? Who is the director? And you really have to self manage well because there are many scams out there. in the Gigs/Talent section and TV/Film you can find some decent things but only if you know how to weed out the bullcrap, scams, jerks, or worse.

However when a girl wants to be a model, she goes to the web. Most of these girls are shorter and do not think a modeling agency will work with them, so they start to try to self manage. It can be good using online casting systems, but it can also be risky, and not-so-good-at-all.

I still strongly feel the in person agent, and the mailing photos to modeling agencies, and to get an agent calling you about a casting, or emailing you about a casting is the best way. Therefore you know that the casting, audition, booking, modeling job, is coming from a legit source. An art director called the agency and the agent thought of you. Not just some random music video job you found on an online casting system and you are wondering if the location in a warehouse in Williamsburg is legit.

However even while working with good agencies I have found myself walking down some sketchy streets sometimes for castings. So it is really an interesting topic because you need to work with the top agencies to get the bigger jobs currently, but to get the agency you sometimes need some experince to prove you can model so you use a casting site and you have to self manage, which can be hard for new aspiring models to handle.

Online castings flood the web and many of them are not good sources. I personally do not online castings are 100% reliable, however maybe once in awhile you will find a good gig. Typically it is not professional work that will impress a modeling agent or get you more work. It takes a good eye and experience to know what is professional.

I think a girl still needs a physical hardcopy compcard, and a headshot. To think online portfolios are enough to get ahead is the wrong mindset. You need a compcard, you should still mail it in the postal mail to agencies, you should basically be buying stamps and using them. That is how I have booked work with top brands. By working with legit, well known agencies and I got to work with them by mailed submissions.

When it comes to using online casting systems: Ask questions if you are not confident about the jobs intentions and what it will involve, do not be desperate to call yourself a model, and ask yourself always "how will this job help me to get where I want to go?" Do not just do a modelig job because you are bored today or because you are desperate. DO Good work, work with good people, because THAT is how you get ahead. Your portfolio will speak for itself and the quality photos will stand out.

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