Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diane von Furstenberg speaks of her Personal Fulfillment

Photo by Ed Kavishe, Fashion Wire Press

Diane von Furstenberg, doesn't look very tall in person. However her name sounds big and dignified, although I can barely pronounce her last name.

I went to see her speak last night at The French Institute Alliance Françoise.

What I got from the event was Diane's motto ( not exactly her words):

"Knowing yourself, and knowing the type of person you want to be can lead you to where you want to be."

We often think of the job description we want to have, the resume, the title, but not the person we want to be. I think it is very important to like yourself, and like Diane mentioned, "be your own friend."

I think loving yourself, and feeling your worth, sharing what you know and giving your time and energy towards helping another person better themselves, are all important facets of living a fulfilled life.

I wished Diane mentioned more in detail the significant people who helped her throughout her pursuits and career. It was interesting to learn that design wasn’t always her focus, in fact she didn’t know what her focus was…but she knew the type of person she wanted to be and crafted her life around that…and still does.

I suggest checking out The French Institute Alliance Françoise events.
Their Fashion Talks series are very well done. www.fiaf.org/

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