Saturday, March 21, 2009

News that caught my eye

Catching up on my news reading this weekend a little. I read print newspapers. Yes, of course I read some things on the internet but I like print news. Anyways after reading the print newspaper I found some of these features and articles that might intrigue you:

WSJ: The Fine Art of Copyright

WWD: Ad Spending Splinters

Modeling jobs are affected by advertising. For models does this mean that a web commercial should pay as much as a tv commercial? In the future we might see this difference since more and more brands are wanting web marketing, and models are needed for this. However I feel there is more of a "feeling" of credibility when you see yourself in print in a magazine or ad campaign. On the web or products website does feel good, don't get me wrong, but there is a certain feeling of print that feels more credibile when it comes to modeling jobs.

WWD: Suze Orman: The Money Lady

Don't buy more than you can afford. That is my main message about the recession and how I live my life. I don't rely on a credit card for that new handbag, and I think many younger people have gotten obsessed with "just using their credit card." The pay-it-later lifestyle is not promising.

NYPOST: Happy Days are here again

50's style eats!

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