Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What will never be on my resume and what is

Last night I made a contract out between myself and an illustrator that I will be working on with another book project, while doing so I discovered again how bad my skills are in Word. I can handle the basics, but I am not a Word pro.

Hhhh Maybe slightly advanced in using the tools like word count.

My goal is to never work for someone doing something I don't enjoy. And staring at someone else's computer and doing office work is something I would never enjoy.

This is me sharing what I know and do not know, let's say in an interview or debate about office skills:

I can type without looking at the keyboard for hours, but I do not know how to do powerpoint well, excell, No. I am not a super duper wizard at making a graph. I do the basics. I just do not do Office Works. I can fax, and scan, photoshop decent, yet setting up a computer is not my forte' however I can get it a fair dab. I am very web 2.0 savvy however and can produce videos and I blog, and podcast as well.
Good at the Google search rating enhancing. I am currently working on my editing skills within video and I know how to set up and market a podcast radio show. Yes I can do all of this in this outfit and in heels.

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