Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Joe Ades died, I have my peeler

If you were lucky enough to buy a peeler from Joe Ades in Union Square you were one lucky person. I recently found out he died. I wondered why Union Square didn't feel the same recently. I just peeled some carrots tonight. Oh Jeez. Then I went to NY Press.com just now and his face is on their previous issue. I don't know where I have been but I just found out he died in Feb 1st 2009.

I remember going by his street set up of a stool and some round about table made out of bins in Union Square, and thinking shit I should buy one of those, and I finally did this past fall. Good thing I did.

The NY Press has a great article on him and if you missed the issue you can catch the archive here.

The New York Times also ran a nice story on him here:

His daughter said he "learned the tricks of salesmanship as a teenager in Manchester, England."

Well New York streets sure won't forget him.

A picture of me(wearing my favorite cap) and "The Peeler Man" Joe Ades in Union Square are above shot by R.Caldarone the day I bought my peeler.

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