Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Myspace Marketing gone bad

I find it really sad when people use Myspace as their website. Lately I have gotten a ton of comments, but you will not find them on my page at Myspace, because I do not promote other people on my Myspace. I only use Myspace as my way to share advice and tips to models through my blogs, videos, and radio show feed. I do have photos but you will notice they are not "model for hire" photos and I do not think it is smart in any way for a girl to ever post revealing photos on Myspace or a social site casually without thinking "how does this photo reflect my goals?"

Even if you cancel your Myspace account the photos can stay around on the web, and what can be even worse is that people can grab your photos, the jpegs and post them where-ever they choose, so be careful what you post.

Lately I have also gotten people offering photography services on Myspace, I find this very unprofessional and amateur. Beware of Myspace to promote yourself. Very few have found opportunities from promoting themselves on Myspace as a singer, and as for those who want to be models...Myspace is the last place you should ever think of ever promoting yourself. It is not professional, you will not be taken seriously. Please take down those nude photos. Please!

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