Friday, May 8, 2009

Leonard Nimoy Full Body Project Book

I thought this was interesting and cool.

Now I am not a Star Trek die-hard fan but I saw Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek, on The View today and did you know he has a photography book out? Yup!

The book is called Full Body Project, you can pick it up on Amazon.

From Amazon:
"In his provocative new book, photographer and actor Leonard Nimoy captures images of full-bodied women, some of whom are involved in what is known as the "fat acceptance" movement. "The average American woman," Nimoy writes, "weighs 25 percent more than the models selling the clothes. There is a huge industry built up around selling women ways to get their bodies closer to the fantasy ideal. Pills, diets, surgery, workout programs. . . . The message is 'You don't look right. If you buy our product, you can get there.'"

Leonard Nimoy, best known to the public from his role as Spock on Star Trek, has been a lifelong photographer. His work has been widely exhibited and is in numerous private and public collections. A previous book of his photographs, Shekhina, was published in 2002."


  1. Thank you for mentioning the Full Body Project in your blog.
    I am one of the models in the book.
    With Leonard's permission I have created a MySpace page that showcases most of the models in the book.
    If you would like to get to know more about Leonard's photographic endeavors, please check out:

  2. Hey! This post is presenting full body project. Nice Post.
