Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Modeling is a business of rejection

Modeling is a business of rejection and there are many know it alls who are looking forward to rejecting you. The desire to fight on comes into play when rejection is found in not getting a phone call, not hearing back, and waiting.

I can not tell you how many No’s I have gotten, or how many times I thought I booked a job for sure, only to not hear back. But you could say I am addicted to trying. I actually love the fight. The chase and it delights me to try again. It is work, it is time, energy, re-shooting, making another compcard, mailing again, trying over and over, over time. But it has worked. I have booked great work with great brands and been paid pretty damn well as the model booked for the job, but it did not come without the hard way.

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