Thursday, May 14, 2009

Short Model Support-mailing modeling agencies

A girl of 5'3" sent me a message on Myspace about wanting to model and being 5'3", she mentioned how she is submitting to Ford, Elite, etc...this was my reply:

When it comes to modeling, remember it is best to market yourself to the right agencies, the right agencies for a short girl are not Elite, Ford, etc, it is best to submit to a print modeling agency, casting director, talent agency. It is best NOT to do this through the internet and it is best to focus on getting a headshot and commercial shots and work with a professional photographer and it is best to make a compcard (I use tell them I refered you) and it is best to then mail the print agencies by postal mail. That is how I have found success.

Do not get sucked into showing off your photos on modeling websites, That is NOT modeling, modeling involves modeling a product, working with legit agencies, and the internet is NOT the place to start calling yourself a model. You are not a model until you model for something and to get these opportunities you do have to be professional about it and do things in the professional way. So focus on a headshot, make a compcard and over time you might be able to find opportunities within print. Modeling is ALOT of work for a shorter girl, it is about working your butt off! It is about knowing how to market yourself...not just messing around with the word model but really trying, really striving and working hard!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    You have described good tips for the person who needs modeling agency to make their career in fashion modeling world.
