Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who invented toothpaste. I am Googling!

I was wondering this morning as I brushed my teeth, "how nasty it must have been before toothpaste." I have seen many period films, and I love them, but I always notice the little things (if the film shows them) like in Shakespeare in Love, Gwyneth Paltrow, brushes her teeth with what-looks-like- a stick!

I think much of what we have today are luxuries, I mean there are million accessories to go with every thing. From shaving to making coffee. There is so much stuff out there!

I think about the early day a lot. The simplier life. Don't get me wrong I do love hot water and I am thankful for all the conveniences.

I am off to Google who invented Toothpaste.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Great buddy.
    It would be great feeling to know about the inventor of the toothpaste
