Wednesday, July 29, 2009

They say you can model but is this a scam?

Modeling conventions, modeling hotel meet and greet: They are all Scams.

This post is taken from an email I recently wrote to give the scoop on model scams.

Keep in mind company, agency, or website that asks or proclaims: "Can you model" "be a model!" "Are you ready to be a star?" or any other "teaser" etc, is a scam.

Professional agencies don't ask if you can model.

These days reality TV and the media has made it where "everyone and their sister" wants to be a model or in entertainment so many so-called agencies take advantage of this mindset these young aspiring girls have.

A professional agency will NOT force you to use their photographer or printing service, they will not pay a monthly fee to be on the website, or charge you at all to work with them. A professional agency might suggest but if they think you can book work with them and you are ambitious, they will at least work with the compcard you have. Like like mentioned how Gene worked with mine in my memoir.

Strive to find a professional agency ok. They are out there. It might take more time to get in the door with a "real" agency, but it is better not to be fooled.

A professional agency gets your compcard in the mail and they would then call you. They might want to see you in person or they might just send you to a casting, a go-see to see how you do. And then just keep your card on file. I have had experiences where I did not meet the agency until I booked a job with them. It is normal.

Also many girls expect this personal attention. Too much "ahhh and ooo'ing" can be scamful and an aspiring model should remember that actually your print modeling booker/agent might not become your best friend, good friend, etc, a modeling agent is apart of your pursuit, but the agent /model relationship is business.

So just beware, it is a self-made world today and there are many so-called agencies out there, so please remember to becareful of scams.

I hope this helps,


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