Monday, August 24, 2009

If ANTM was more like Home Makeover I'd like it

I know it is one of the most popular shows out there, but if America's Next Top Model was more like Home Makeover I'd like it.

The show should help the girls not just put them down.

The show should bring out the girls assets and not just pick out their flaws.

The show should include showcasing all types of modeling, not just fashion.

There are not enough smiles. Most of the girls on the show look scared, nervous and like they pissed their pants.

The show has given America a top model but how come we don't hear about her or her doing anything 6 months after the show is done with?

The show should teach the girls how to market themselves and what they have so that when they get kicked off they have some sort of a plan. The show should be more assisting to the girls and the fact that they have chosen them to be apart of a television show to teach them something about modeling, but yet there is no follow up, how is this girl doing, what happened to that one. It's like, we will take girls who know nothing about modeling and tease and make fun of them on aspects that do not "make them a model" or "not" and then say Goodbye.

Granted certain agencies are involved on the show but more than just a fashion agency should be approached to be featured as an opportunity the winner gets.

It is just reality TV, yes I know this, but it could be a show about more than limited elements of the modeling industry. Don't limit the viewer. Modeling is WAY more than fashion Tyra.

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