Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Wait of Modeling Castings is a Normal thing

It is normal to wait up to an hour or more at castings. I am talking about castings that are not open calls. Castings where you are expected during a certain time slot. Today mine was from 1-2 and I was seen alittle after an hour after getting there. It is normal. Some girls were cranky, but a cranky model never gets ahead in my mind, so it is best to play it cool, bring a cool, play with your cell phone, write in a journal, make a boon-doggle bracelet, something. I also suggest staying around. Some girls told the assistant they would come back in an hour, I stayed. I ended up getting out of there quicker because I did actually. And the when those girls left I got moved up on the line sheet. Who knows if they came back, but waiting at castings is the norm. It is hard to manage many castings in the same day at once, and bookings. But do expect to wait. It is unlikely a casting will be in-and out. Especially if it is for a well known brand that will be more selective with models.

This casting involved showing your body for close ups of your hips, back, hands, stomach, curves, etc to create spec shots for an ad campaign involving jewelry. So being comfortable in a thong and going topless, was a requirement.

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