Friday, August 7, 2009

what do you think of model social sites?

A girl wrote me:
Hi Isobella, I stumbled upon your blog somehow and I love it, thank you so much for doing this! I do have a question, however: what do you think of model social sites like One Model Place and Model Mayhem?

isobella jade said...

I am not a fan of social sites. I had my share of "wasted time on those", I wrote all about my mistakes on those sites on my memoir Almost 5'4" (you'll like the book) but I do not think amateur social sites for girls who want to be models is realistic. It is an amateur choice. Social sites, profile hosting sites do not get you ahead in ways that really count and help you. If a girl wants to mail she has to do the work, be professional, work with professionals only and get a comp card and mail it to agencies. I am glad you found my blog. I hope it shines light on the hustle of a shorter model. Shorter girls CAN get modeling work, with great brands and work with agencies but they have to be realistic. They can not think that comments, hits, clicks on their social site means they are a model. They have to do things in a professional way. Modeling takes more than just knowing how to upload a photo. It takes pure work and effort and persistence. Mailing those agencies and aiming as high as you can.

Here is a segment on my radio show about why a girl needs a compcard and needs to forget the internet:
I hope it helps. I only got ahead because I got off the internet promoting myself as a wanna be and got serious and got my stuff together in a professional way. It takes time. It does not happen over night to start booking good work, it is a process, and searching for the short-cut on amateur sites is not the good road.

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