Thursday, August 6, 2009

What is a model? What is a photographer? What is a book.

The commercial world has changed many things, brought opportunity but also questions.
What is a model? What is a photographer? What is a book.
Can the amateur model really call her self a model? Can the amateur photographer call himself a photographer?
Can a person find success without a publisher?
In our commercial worlds the real fights against the “not real” often.
The Internet-age has made rushing to get famous a cult, and it makes me sad.
The Digital-age has allowed us to express ourselves and all own a decent camera, but does this mean we are all photographers? Social-sites have made judgment over “how many “friends” you have” but does having a certain amount of friends mean you are successful? Need it? Hate it? Love it? Annoyed with it? These questions go through my head daily. I support the underdog. I am one in many ones. There really is no clear answer.

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