Thursday, September 10, 2009

model scams and sexual assaults in Metro

I am featured on the cover of the Metro today, the story is based on model scams and sexual assaults in modeling and I ask you to please becareful, think twice, and don't think you have to sleep, touch, or do something you don't want to do to get ahead as a m...odel. You don't! There is professionalism out there, seek it, and run from anything else.

Here is the article:

Now I love photography, and I go to many exhibits for photography and I am friends with some very wonderful photographers, but there are many amateurs out there.

I share bluntly many of my modeling mistakes in my memoir Almost 5'4" and in my illustrated graphic novel Model Life: The Journey of a Pint Size Fashion Warrior, many of my own early modeling mistakes come out again in an illustrated format throughout the characters journey to be a model.

I didn't have to go there, I didn't have to mention my modeling mistakes but I feel it is important to share them so you won't make them.

You do not have to sleep your way to the top, you do not have to be scammed, you do not have to touch or be touched by someone to get ahead. It is a choice. Please choose to walk out the door. Say No. You don't have to have regret. Don't think "if I don't then I won't get the chance and be a model," You still can model without sleeping with the photographer.

There are professional photographers out there, there are professional agencies, but beware of the amateurs and stay away from them!

Love yourself, your goals, focus on them, respect yourself, be true to you, and know there is professionalism out there, it is better to strive for it than settle for regrets.

If you are curious if something is legit or not, email me through my website:

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