Friday, October 2, 2009 Isobella Jade take on Take My Photo Tyra recap if you missed it

This week's "America's Next Top Model" starts with Kara loving her boobs and loving to see her photo on the Short Model House wall. Ashley admits to having no expression and Bianca is aiming to overcome her issue of looking too fierce in her challenge photos. According to Tyra Mail: "Sometimes you only have a minute to make a second impression."

The girls are introduced to Sam Fine, a makeup artist with a handy makeup book, who shares with the girls the four basic model beauty tools: concealer, bronzer, mascara and gloss.

I don't think the bronzer should be on there (girls tend to go overboard with it these days) but you can't go wrong with a good foundation or concealer.

Beauty, Bruises and Band-Aids.

This week is all about beauty and learning how to put your best face forward in a flurry before a modeling go-see or casting. Nigel and his beautiful wife Crissy announce that the pee-wee models will be racing through Walmart for the CoverGirl beauty championship. It involves the girls running to different stations throughout the store which will prepare them for a potential go-see. There is a catch: The stations do not have enough items for all the girls to continue on, so it means the girls who make it to the station first, and put on the item first, gets to continue on the race, to the finish. At the finish only three girls will have crossed the line and the one girl that looks not as disheveled as the rest, wins a feature photo shoot on CoverGirl's page plus a $1000 gift card.

This beauty challenge has more of a "racetrack" theme than the previous Lady Godiva shoot The gun goes off and the girls go flying around the store front like they're running the 100-meter dash. Erin immediately grabs little Sundai, trying to hold our underdog back, and the girls are then whipping off their clothing and putting on jeans and tank tops that lay on the floor at station one. A few bras and butt-cracks are almost covered by the edit guy, but not really.

I would like to see the race again because the editing makes it seem like the Road Runner is zipping by. If you blink you might have missed it. I could barely Twitter during the race, the editing was so delirious.

Cheeks are rubbed hard, eyes coated with clumps of mascara, it's a makeup mad-house. When the final girls run to the photo-station, the girls are suppose to pick up their photo, it is the last stop before the finish line. Ashley and Erin have a moment of distress when Erin grabs a handful of photos and rips part of Ashley, leaving her to hustle to put her dented, mutilated photo back together. By that time it is too late and Bianca, Erin and Sundai have crossed the finish line.

All three girls stand like soldiers that fought a battle, waiting for their faces and appearance to be judged by the Captain, Nigel and his wife.

Bianca's eyes are pretty and vibrant.
Erin looks pale.
Sundai is glowing. Maybe it's the perspiration, but she looks very pretty.

Sundai wins! At last little-one!

Read more about the episode and the beauty race and beauty photo shoot challenge here on

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