Saturday, November 7, 2009

modeling and publishing: a similar marketing mindset

I spoke about self promotion, pr and marketing at the Self Publishing Expo this morning/afternoon and no matter your pursuit, business, trade, from modeling to selling books, marketing is the word. Without it you can not grow.

Knowing how to target and market your product, brand, book, even if the product is yourself is the most important asset.

When you are a shorter model, then you need to have photos that enhance other facets than your height and show your look is marketable to the commercial print modeling world. Show in your photos, compcard, how you can model with brands and products.

When you are an author or brand you need to pitch your self to media sources and know all of the angles your brand can be pitched.

The more you know about your self, what is interesting, sellable about you, your brand or product the further you will go.

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