Thursday, November 26, 2009

On the Morning Media Menu podcast here

On Weds morning I did an interview with Media Bistro, the media outlet that first broke my story of writing my first book, my memoir Almost 5'4" at the Apple store while striving as a model, I also talk about Model Life my graphic novel, and the how-to-modeling book I am preparing currently which is based on this blog and my own radio show podcast where I gives tips and insight on being a model daily.

Here is a link to insight on FishbowlNY to the podcast interview on self promotion and my journey as a writer and model:

And this is insight on Galleycat that shares insight from the interview on how to use Google to grow your brand as well, I hope it could be helpful for any business, person, brand:

No matter your pursuit, your own will matters SO much, your own positive attitude and what you put in.

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