Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Model Mindset for All Sizes

A question I often get is "how do I find a modeling agency?" Many girls who reach out to me are at the start of their pursuits and curious about "if they have what it takes to model?"

My answers are always based on "the work you put in" and "knowing your self".

At the start of my own pursuits I encountered many mistakes, approached the wrong agencies, had the wrong photos. All experiences which I learned from. But every step towards the tearsheets and opportunities I later gained came from my own hard work, research time, and the investment in myself.

Finding a modeling agency, especially if you are not fashion height, starts with a mindset that models are not all tall. And understanding that: not all working models are signed exclusively to fashion modeling agencies. There are many, many print modeling agencies out there that work with models of all sizes, but you have to seek them out and on this blog I have listed many agencies for girls of all sizes to pursue in many different cities. I would aim high in a realistic way and approach print modeling agencies with your compcard.

Here is a post on the photos you need for your submissions to agencies.

Working with a modeling agency comes down to your own prep work. The work you put in to create your professional photos and create your compcards, and then promote yourself to the right agencies. Finding a modeling agency is about finding out where you fit into this modeling business, and marketing your self in that direction.

Approaching the modeling agency in a professional way, which brings results, starts with knowing your self and knowing what is marketable about your self as a model.

How you present yourself in photos to a modeling agency, can mean you will get a call and a meeting and an opportunity to work with the modeling agency, or not.

Creating your modeling photos first takes a lot of self analyzing and also observing ads for lifestyle products, commercials, and editorials in lifestyle magazines, and noticing where models are used of all sizes. The more you show you "can model something," the better.

But remember the work you put in and the belief in your self is the biggest part to finding opportunities as a model, no matter your height.

Here is a post on the 6 differences between fashion models and non-fashion models:

And here is the difference between exclusive and non-exclusive modeling:

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