Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today on Model Talk Radio, Model Castings and Cattle Calls, get tips on how to prepare, what to avoid, and how to get opportunities as a model

Model Talk Radio

On this segment of Model Talk Radio, Isobella shares the scoop on what to do at a model go- see and model casting, how to prepare for the castings and how to get a casting for a national brand even if you are not fashion height.

Day: Weds. Feb 10th, 2010
When 1pm EST

Click here to listen live or to the archive anytime:

Her memoir Almost 5'4" recently hit the UK through The Friday Project, an imprint of HarperCollins. In the UK you can find Almost 5'4" in bookstores and on and enjoy the video as well.

You can find Almost 5'4" in BN bookstores in the US and on Amazon and

Isobella is also the author of her fashion illustrated graphic novel Model Life: The Journey of a Pint-Size Fashion Warrior", which can be found on and in an bookstores.

By the way, her sponsor on Blogtalkradio is and they are is offering a 30 days free trial to her listeners and business owners. is for online meetings for business client meetings or internal conferences, click here for free trial:

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