Friday, March 26, 2010

Philadelphia Modeling Agencies and mailing tips

Philadelphia Modeling Agencies and mailing tips


To work with a modeling agency you should NEVER pay to register on their website, don’t think you have to, don’t be forced into it, or feel pressure to do so.
Having your own comp card and managing your own self while working with modeling agencies is always best. I don’t like the idea of an agency marketing me online to their clients. An agency should have enough of a relationship with a client that the client calls them or the agency sends over select photos in jpgs of the models that would be good for the job or the agency would refer the client to their website, but you should never pay to be on an agency website.

Also, despite the internet, you NEED a comp card. Ask the modeling agency to use your comp card to market you, create your own photography and print your own cards, save money and also prevent scams by doing so. Legit agencies will at least “work with” the comp card you give them even if it is not perfect. I still believe in the postal mail and legit agencies do as well. Send your photos in the postal mail, show you are serious and more than just a jpeg but that you are prepared. That you have professional print modeling tools. A comp card, portfolio, and even a headshot.
A legit agency may suggest you use a certain photographer but for print modeling, commercial print modeling agencies, and talent agencies and casting directors, do not feel that you MUST use their photography service, take their classes, etc. You do not have to and don’t feel pressure to do so. These agencies seem pretty legit, I do not know them personally, and if you have thoughts on working with a modeling agency here email me at

To prevent scams when hunting for modeling agencies, put the modeling agencies name in google search + scam.

Grab these links but I suggest mailing by postal mail your comp card: seems more fashion than commercial print however Pittsburgh, PA

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