Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Model Talk Radio Making a Model Comp card

This week's segment of Model Talk Radio covers the know-how-of making a model comp card. The topics will be based on real questions I have received from Facebook messages from aspiring models.

Here is the scoop:
Segment title: Isobella's making a Model Comp Card tips
When, Weds, 14th

Listen here anytime:

Model, author Isobella Jade shares tips for creating a comp card based on questions she has received from Facebook. This segment covers the basic steps of creating a comp card, and why just having a comp card doesn't mean it will well market you to an agency or jobs-unless it is a well created comp card. Remember, your comp card represents what you can do as a model. Isobella is the author of her modeling memoir "Almost 5'4"" and a comic/graphic novel called "Model Life: The Journey of a Pint-Size Fashion Warrior,"

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