Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wilmington, NC modeling agency tips and moving to a small town model tips

A girl recently wrote me on Facebook concerned about moving to a smaller city, her message read "Hey girl! So, I'm completely in shock right now..only because I may have to move the Wilmington, NC in the next 5 months :(

Do you know of any agencies out there. I tried looking, but definitely feel like I just hit a wall out there."

My reply: ( I moved to Miami for 6 months and did modeling and while the experience went well, I could have gotten a lot more out of it while I was there, but by the time I had settled in town I was preparing to leave, so do research ahead of time.)

Prepare ahead of time with researching agencies, but don't submit too too early, submit a few weeks before you arrive mentioning you will be in town soon, then when you are in town if you have not heard back from any agencies yet, be prepared to submit again mentioning that you are now in town and available for print work.

Beyond looking for agencies you should look for aspiring brands, professional photographers with a photography business, aspiring accessory designers, mom and pop hair salons and aspiring brands. The small business section of the newspaper online of the town you are moving to could help you find growing brands who might need a model. Go with your gut but also use your research skills.

Smaller cities can actually get an ambitious girl some good work. Here are some tips on that: http://petitemodelingtips.blogspot.com/2008/10/improve-your-model-marketing-for-small.html

I would also research Talent agencies, there seems to be some in that area. Google Wilmington, NC + talent agencies. Do you have a headshot? A comp card already? If so you could mail it a couple months before you arrive. But not too early, people don't like it if they want to work with you and you are not in town. As always beware of scams, and don't pay an agency for photos or anything like that, also I ONLY suggest submitting by postal mail. Get that comp card and send it out. :)
http://www.marilynsagency.com/representation.php ironically had a petite division..mm


This week on Model Talk Radio catch special guest Derek of Derek Loves Shopping at 4pm EST:

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