Friday, May 21, 2010

My secret photo-shoot at the Apple Store on Prince Street

I create, produce and conceptualize my own publicity photos often, and like in modeling I am extremely hands on with my images. As an author I do a lot more than write. Marketing is a big part of it. Writing is just part of the job. I think you’ll agree that when I walked into the Apple store on Weds, and stood by a Macbook and told my friend Vera to come in the store with her camera, but to not let me know she was in the store and to just start shooting me,-- the results were pretty awesome. I suggested certain angles, and some goals of the shoot but really shooting random, unplanned worked better. And we didn’t get kicked out. I think it has partially to do with being females. A guy flashing his flash for 30 minutes in the Apple story might have had a different story. Thought it was funny when we were outside some store employees got a little funky :) I need shots of me in the Apple store because even though I am not writing my next books there, the store is still a part of my press releases and story (hence my memoir ALMOST 5'4" was written at this very store on Prince Street), and if it means being a little crafty, gritty, a little sneaky, I gotta get the shots! Currently I am writing a collection of unpublished stories based on modeling jobs with Marshalls, Victoria's Secret, Macy's and others, that show some of my fantastic gigs as a pint-size model. Also I am writing a teen series, more on that later this coming summer!

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