Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A new video on What is a Modeling Compcard

I was recently asked on a Youtube comment to make a video on What Is a Compcard? Here it is below, as I share what a comp card is and why you need one and the difference ways a comp card can be laid out. I've worked as a model for many years, I am a print model and parts model, and for these I have different cards. Each time you book a quality job and gain a tearsheet or produce a more marketable photo you should update your comp cards. Making a comp card is a never ending thing. The more modeling work you do, the more tearsheets and experience you get the more cards you make to show these credits. Ex: If you are in a magazine, you should put that experience on your comp card if it is a good quality modeling experience.

More reasons on why you need to make a comp card to model with print agencies here:

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