Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Models facing the mirror, naturally posing is a process and an asset

Last night on my iPhone I was checking my Facebook messages, and I replied to a girl who wrote me this:
Hello hope you are well. I think I told you in the past that I was curious about modeling and had started pushing that curiousity. Well anyhow I got on with an agency in Seattle recently and this last weekend did a photoshoot with a photographer in Seattle in order to get some professional shots. What I learned is that I have a lot to learn about modeling, I felt so intimidated doing the photoshoot cause I really didn't know what I was doing. I've never taken a modeling class before but have taken acting on the camera, I'm looking to do consumer print type of work. I never realized how important hands were in modeling and relaxing and I kept looking to my photographer for "what do I do next". If you have time, what would your best advice be about someone who was just starting at age 31, lol, and who has no idea how to model but is good at learning? I'm the kind of person who when she sets her mind to something can do anything. Thankyou for your time.

My reply might inspire you:

Hi Hun, I got your message and liked it because it is touches on the very thing it takes to model or pursue anything that is a challenge. I am about to go to bed, it's 12:30 am in NYC but I wanted to tell you to hang in there. Learning -in modeling happens from 2 things. Observing yourself an trying again. You are right about the hands and a hand can ruin a shot. I think I will write a post on this topic on my blog as well because really what your curious about is based on Knowing yourself- and the cameras perspective. The mirror is the best thing to get infront of right now And practice, not forcing the posing but noticing what happens when you move your body how it changes. Where do ur hands go? How does your expression change your body? And you are right modeling is tough and work and involves the whole self to be aware. I think it takes some creativity to model well, and I don't mean makeup and hair I am talking about knowing the concept and goal of the shoot and projecting that for the camera. I think it is a mix of knowing the camera is there enough to model for it but also forget about it enough to be yourself and be aware to keep it natural. Not needing direction and being able to put your energy into the shoot is best ...it is what makes a good model actually. Here is a little test. Face the mirror. Grab a handbag and model it in 15 different ways within 5 minutes without stopping but doing it in a fluid way. I am serious. Usually on a job the actual modeling is fast! The prep is what takes the longest -lighting, makeup, etc. Sometimes the shots for a job are crafted and planned and you are told what to do but other times not and the models personality and modeling skill gets the job done. It is a team effort but knowing how to model a product naturally and knowing yourself and proportions is a smart asset and skill to master as an aspiring model that you are. Age has nothing to do with it :)I hope this helps a bit for now, ~isobella
Ps: look at lifestyle magazines from More to O to redbook to Marie Claire and glamour magazine, get inspired by the shots of women smiling and engaging with products in the ads :) observe and grow and try

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