Sunday, September 26, 2010

New book: Short Stuff: on the job with an x-small model is due in October

Hi Girls,

I am excited to share with you the cover of my new book called:

It’s a new collection of modeling stories from on-the-job experiences with Marshalls, Victoria's Secret, Macy's, Easy Spirit and other modeling jobs that took place after writing my memoir Almost 5'4". 

Also it’s also part “modeling tips for short chicks,” which was inspired by You, my blog readers and online readers, and my listeners of my podcast radio show
Short Stuff is due: October 12th, 2010, of course you can pre-order if you wish! :)

You can find it online here:

And here: 

(cover images will be on those sites soon)

If you have enjoyed my blog then I know you will enjoy this book! I look forward to sharing it with you :)

Aim high and always try!

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