Monday, November 1, 2010

Stand Tall Shoe Modeling Contest to win a signed copy of Short Stuff

Hey Girls,

This is me modeling my highest pair of high heels, they are from REPORT shoes.  How high is your highest pair?  Show me!

I am holding a Stand Tall Shoe modeling Contest to win a signed copy of Short Stuff: on the job with an x-small model.

It starts NOW!

To submit: send me a photo of yourself wearing YOUR highest heels to

Include your name, and height and if possible heel height. Please put Stand Tall in the subject of the email.

The winning deciding factors will be the height of the heel, the way you are rocking them, and if you have shoe model appeal.

The winners will be featured on this blog next week.

So you're short, so what! no wories, put to use what you've got. It's a notice-yourself-and-make-it-happen-world, so go on, go do that!  And a nice pair of heels is always handy!~Isobella

Psst. yay! you can stop by Barnes and Noble in the NYC area and pick up an in-store copy of "Short Stuff: on the job with an x-small model." An excerpt of Short Stuff is on my website

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