Monday, January 3, 2011

New journey entries for The Beautiful Undead story series here!

Click here you missed Viv's very last journal entry which starts the series and features her death called Death at Dawn 
And click here if you missed her very first journal entry called This City Sucks.

February 8, 2004   8:34 a.m.
The cash in my purse proves I made a shit load of money last night at SugarPlum’s.  But something happened, something bad.  I remember a gun shot, burning heat, and then an open mouth coming towards me with large white teeth.  And now I feel pain on the back of my neck, and there's a gash on my cheek and my jaw feels swollen.  I’m trying to remember the details but I can’t remember shit!  It seems like a dream.  Today I woke up on a strange couch. I was wearing this red robe. I had a flashback of the man with the white teeth bringing me here.  Then when I stood up to leave he appeared from the darkness. His face was all I could see. It was pale and his eyes were dark and his dark hair was slicked back. His said his name was Von and that last night he had helped me. Von sounded like the weirdest name ever.  When he spoke I could remember only pieces of what he told me last night, something about how the life I had lived before was gone. And now I’d have to start over.  
Von came closer and said I could never go back to my apartment and that my life was different now.  

I thought he was kidding, like it was a joke, and he was just trying to scare me.  I felt like I was being held hostage or something, because he wouldn’t let me leave.
I fell back to sleep for a little while on the couch and when I woke up Von was sitting next to me. He gave me a clear teacup with a real red rose pedal floating in it and said it was his favorite tea.  It was pretty and smelled good, and for a moment I thought he was being romantic. It wasn’t every day that a man made me tea. But I quickly learned he was just being nice.  Von told me that the tea would help with my pain and the transformation.  For a moment I was kind of worried the tea was actually poison or something since his eyes never left me and he made sure I drank it all. He said I needed time to heal from the attack.
Von’s apartment is very dark, since there are dark curtains blocking the sun and dark walls and dark colored furniture, it’s kind of like a cave.   But it’s cozy here actually, I don’t want to leave. It’s freezing outside. Especially since I’m still kind of out of it.
What is strange is that Von was wearing sunglasses inside. And he told me not to go near the window since it would hurt my raw skin.  I thought he was kidding and laughed.  That’s when Von took off his sunglasses.  I could see his grey eyes, long, long lashes, soft lips and pale glowing skin.  He spoke even more seriously and told me he was a vampire and then said that I was now a vampire.  It was kind of funny. It didn’t make sense. How could I be dancing at Sugarplum’s less than 8 hours ago and now be a vampire? It just doesn’t fully make sense.
But Von said over time it would make sense and that I might one day be thankful for my extra time here.
I also thought it was funny that we both had names with a V.  But Von didn’t seem to care. He was so serious, didn’t smile, and was quick and short with his words. He said I could keep my first name, but changing my last name would be a good idea since the cops might be looking for me to question me about last night.  
Von told me I would remember the attack over time, and that I would probably have nightmares of it forever. Oh great!
So, I am on his couch and trying to think of a new last name today. Von says he knows someone at the DMV that can help me get a new ID and new social security card quickly.  He said I might want to consider getting a passport.    
I’ve sat here all day and I’m rested, but where is he? Shit! I don’t even have his cell phone number. Damn! I don’t even have my cell phone; I must have lost it last night. It's probably gone forever.


February 8, 2004   11:34 p.m. 
When Von came home tonight I found out some details about the attack. 
Basically last night was crazy.  I almost died. If it wasn’t for him, I would be dead.
Von told me he was walking down the alleyway next to SugarPlum’s and he could see a man fondling a girl in the distance. Me.  He said the man was balding, had a goatee, and was wearing a leather jacket. Based on Von’s description I am pretty sure the man was Mitch, my boss. That fucker tried to rape me!   Then I started to remember the night more clearly. I had tried to keep $200 I owed the club since Mitch always seemed to stiff me by sending me to his friends who never tipped. I wasn’t just some slut for these jackasses to play with.  One had asked me to even go down on him, yuck, fucking pricks.  I told Mitch about it at the end of my shift, but he hadn’t given a shit, and was actually mad at me. For disrespecting his prick friends!  I probably called him an asshole or something because I remember now that on the way out we ended up bitching in the back alleyway.  That’s when Mitch slammed me against the brick wall.  He had hit me across the face and his hands went places I did not want them to go. But I guess that wasn’t enough for him.
Von told me that by the time he had reached me, Mitch had already shot me in the back of my neck and I was lying in the snow with a faint pulse, and I was choking on my blood, just waiting to die.   

But Von had sucked the bullet out of me.  He told me it was from a Beretta .380 pistol, Von pointed to the side table where the pistol was laying on it.  The bullet was next to it. The pistol had been sitting there all day and I had not even noticed it.  Von said he grabbed it from Mitch’s hands while in the process of getting rid of him. Von said Mitch is gone and he won’t be back.  Von probably killed him. Threw him in a dumpster or something. Ate him.  I don’t even want to know.  The pistol grip is wood and has an owl carved on it. And although the pistol had just about killed me, it’s kind of cute and the owl wood carving is unique, and I want to keep it and Von said I could have it.
The more Von spoke about the attack, the more I remembered.
I remember lying in the cold snow, shivering even though every cell in my body was burning from being shot. I remembered Von’s mouth coming near me, his venom seeping into my flesh, the back of my neck feeling hot like fire and then darkness.
Von said there was a lot of blood gushing out of my neck. But he had already gotten his blood fix for the evening and didn’t want to leave me in the snow like that.  He carried me back to his place. He didn’t ask if I had wanted to live when he saved me.  But tonight after he told me all this, he asked if it was ok that he saved my life?
I really didn’t know what to say.
A lot has happened in less than 24 hours and I believe in fate and timing. Like being in the right place at the right time. And I am young and there is more to do, I just don’t know what I want to do. Or what I am supposed to do now.
I thought my life was over, but it seems like it’s actually just begun.  

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