Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Model Pitch: Iris Egbers let's hear it for this giraffe


Alexander McQueen RTW Spring 2012

Hey Girls,

Talk about a giraffe. Recently model Iris Egbers was featured in WWD for how she emailed her pics to Supreme and has gotten a lot of attention in the fashion world. Supreme has her listed at 5'10"! A true giraffe! And if you are 5'2" you will have a hard time getting a response when pitching fashion agencies but often I preach the power of the pitch and being self-made and the point of sharing Iris's story with you is that it reminds me of THE PITCH, it's all about the pitch, finding the right agencies to pitch (for short chicks: print modeling agencies and talent agencies and casting professionals), making sure you are sending the right photos, being a model marketer and giving yourself a chance.

Also in this WWD feature with Iris Egbers, she mentions her skin, and how a lack of sleep had done a number on it from lack of sleep during fashion shows, and sleep no matter your height is so important for good skin. Some ways to keep skin looking fresh are below.
Isobella's fresh and beautiful skin tips:

Girls get some good sleep, 7-8 hours. Especially befoer a modeling job or casting. Days ahead of time if possible.

Drink Water and a lot of it, H20 hydrates you and your skin, remember what you put in your body affects how your skin looks, so when you eat or drink imagine rubbing it all over your face! That's basically what's happening inside.

Moisturize and tone skin daily, morning before makeup and at night after shower. Warm showers can dry the skin, you'll notice how your skin feels a bit dry when you come out of a warm/hot shower, so give it some love and put some mosturize back into your skin. Moisturizing is also important from your forehead to your toes. Do it daily. Right out of the shower is a nice time.

Do my favorite at home do-it-yourself awesome coffee body scrub and add a little to your chin and cheeks and nose for exfoliating the skin.

Be aware of your pillow and bedsheets, you can get a zit just from having unclean bedsheets so wash them weekly!

Fask masks rocks! I love giving myself a face mask (these LUSH face masks are awesome I love the BB Seaweed and Brazened Honey), I do them weekly or every couple weeks to revive my skin.

Don't go to bed with makeup on it causes breakouts, and after a modeling job or when the day is done wash your face as soon as possible.

Eat those veggies and that fruit. I eat a lot of pasta and veggies. I try to eat a piece of fruit a day if possible it's important to eat health for good skin.

If you have a zit, I suggest zapping your zit early. It is a good idea to know your face, know what areas are pron to breakouts and keep an eye on them, also know what type of skin you have.

When you are not as tall as Iris Egbers you can still find modeling opportunities if you focus on your other assets beyond height, and actually having clean and clear skin can be what gets you the job.

Keep on glowing girl!

P.s:  Here are tips for creating a beauty shot.

Have you downloaded my graphic novel Model Life mobile yet? Check it out here and get a free excerpt and read it on your iPhone or iPad, more mobile options coming soon!

My books Almost 5'4" and Short Stuff are available in print and ebook form on the Nook, Kindle and iBookstore, read an excerpt of them here.

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