Friday, December 2, 2011

Where is the snow? The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center

Hey Girls,

What's on your list for Santa?

It's Friday! But for a dreamer that doesn't mean less work. I'm getting a few goals done today and I hope during your day something clicks and reminds you, "That's why some things happen for a reason." :) IJ

Where is the snow?
Okay it feels like Christmas is coming now. The Salvation Army bell ringers. The snowflake lights on Fifth Ave. The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. I'm going to be in China over the holidays but going to get a little real Christmas tree, a real small one, at one of those deli's on the corner anyways.
On the way to see the tree saw this pretty sight too of the Chrysler Building.
Here are some pics from last night seeing the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center.  I am playing Elvis's White Christmas today and some other Christmas songs like Silver Bells.


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