Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Isobella Jade Quotes and Inspiration: Smile, care, listen

Good Morning! Rock on, no matter your size or the size of your dream! Today is a new day and much awaits! :) I hope your day involves smiling while you take in the fresh air (and if you're in NYC, the sunny sky!) and keep in in mind every little hustle and try does count, and without planning it your day could involve helping someone while your on your way (the other day on 38th street I said, "Wait, little girl!" and picked up a purple scarf that she and her nanny didn't know she dropped and then at Bed, Bath and Beyond 6th Ave an older lady dropped a leather glove as we passed in the sucks to lose a leather glove and she prob wasn't that good at reaching for the floor to pick it up ya'know) and sometime during your day maybe you'll get to listen to the day in the life of someone else and take in the story of a new or familiar friend. While your pounding the pavement, chasing your goals, getting stuff done, it's good to smile and take in the energy of the day around you, to care, to listen, and spread that around a bit when you can :) ~Isobella Jade

For more quotes search: Isobella quote

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