Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The real Chinatown in Shanghai, the Lingering Gardens and a street market

If you get to Shanghai, get out of Shanghai and go see some of the awesome small towns nearby, like Suzhou and go to the Lingering gardens. Here are some pics from the Lingering Gardens.

The artistic windows are supposed to remind you of a painting each time you look through them and the crane is a symbol for longevity.
The highlight of the Lingering Gardens. See that stone, that's a prize stone! Read about Chinese scholars' rocks here.


The silk museum in Suzhou is okay and kind of interesting to see silk worms but you can skip it because it becomes a sad tourist trap to buy silk comforters, unless you need a silk comforter. :)

A Shanghai street market, in the Old City, I wonder what will happen to this market once that building on the left is up. Prob move to a different street (Eels!)


1 comment:

  1. omg you are so lucky you got to see shanghai...I was in japan and was in the smaller towns as well...but always felt bad I never got to see other parts of Asia! It looks like you had an amazing time! :-D

