Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Freelancing Modeling and Getting Paid

A girl asked me recently: How much do you know to negiotate when freelancing to clients without an agent? Thanks so much for your help!!!

My answer: When it marketing yourself, I think it depending on how experienced you are, the assignment, where will the photos be used, you can debate a rate for yourself as a freelance model.

For body modeling, swimwear modeling, lingerie modeling, I think $50-100 dollars an hour for starting out is acceptable.
For print, commercial modeling, music video, or anything on television, I think setting a day rate would be best, ($100-$500) or it depends on the size of the company and the usage, for example if a small company needs a model for their catalog, you might only ask for $100 dollars for the whole day while knowing you will have a great tearsheet to your portfolio which will get you more work, sometimes even working without a rate can benefit you if the exposure is high and you need the image, tearsheet or reel piece to add to your resume.

It is good to be picky, but also be reasonable, and consider your resume and portfolio, sometimes not being paid at all in the begining is ok, if it means you will gain a great piece for your portfolio, it isn't only about the money, it is about quality and getting quality work so that you can get more!

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