Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Modeling Advice from a Petite Model

Modeling Questions from a Petite Model

I received this message on my Myspace today: I'm 5'4 aspiring commercial print model and trying to get a agency. Is it unethical to add "2 inches" to my height and say 5'6 when submitting pics to an agency OR when freelancing to clients? Also I heard that you don't need professional pics when submitting to an agency, just a fullbody and headshot with no makeup taken by a friend. Does this only apply to fashion and editorial models? I would rather not pay for comp cards b4 getting an agency if I don't have to. Also any recommendations on good locations for commercial models. I live in NC so there is not alot of work for a model here and I know that you have to be in the same location as the agency especially when going to open call. I know NYC always gets alot of work for commercial models but I wanted to live somewhere a little more economically feasible then NYC or LA. One last question. How much do you know to negiotate when freelancing to clients without an agent? Thanks so much for your help!!!

My answer: If you want to add inches who cares, but the main point is to put photos on your card that really look like you. No matter whether you have a modeling agency in your phone dial or not you should get a comp card. You actually DO want to pay for a compcard before you work with an agency. A comp card is your marketing tool. A lot of girls rely on agents or want one and think they can not get work without one, which isn't true. You should have a compcard meant to promote you, yourself. Who says you can't mail your photos to a local newspaper or smaller magazines that might need models? I always believe in having your marketing tools, a comp card is a MUST, or at least nicely printed images. At least a headshot or a printed selection of images is good to start. Every modeling agent will think they know you best and give you different advice on your images, so it is best to understand your self and to be driven enough to understand that you need to show off your best features, your smile, your energy, and a nice action shot or body shot is always nice on a comp card. has good rates for printing. NO matter where you live there is modeling you can do, local hair salons, even food stores, and small business's need models, and it would be a good start for your modeling portfolio book to build tearsheets even before you have an agency working with you. Who says the agency will be calling you over and over every day anyways? To be a model you have to seek out your own work sometimes. 80% of my resume comes from myself. To hear more about my story listen in to my podcast tonight at 8pm. I's free and helpful and also check out my book on Amazon called Almost 5'4" about being a petite model. Believe it or not, the people modeling in the K-Mart or Wal-Mart commercial make more money than any other type of modeling! SO no matter your height, the normal, girl next door look is booking a lot of work, so be you, don't change, and focus on your images and getting promotional and marketing material like comp cards to promote yourself. And don't just send them to modeling agencies, send them to ad agencies, marketing companies etc. Skip the middle man!

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