Thursday, July 24, 2008

The desperate model

The desperate model...

she just focuses on the ego boost, she loves hits on her profile, she doesn't own a portfolio book but also doesn't go far as a model.

A lot of girls are so desperate for the rush of being a model, being seen, desired, ect, that they end up losing their dignity, you don't have to.

If you realize your potential and your focus on the chances you do have to get what you want and if you are realistic with your self you can model, get an agency and strive, but you have to be serious with yourself and your pursuits.

Photos, and great ones, are so important! Photoshop isn't as important as being natural and yourself on camera.

Don't be so desperate to be a model that you forget what being a model is: It is modeling for brands, for a purpose, not just to feel like one.

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