Sunday, July 27, 2008

Modeling is something I don't ask if I can do

Starting to model wasn't something someone told me I should do and guided the way, I had to learn about my look, how I was sellable, and why an agency would want to work with me and how to get one.

I had to teach myself, through trial and error, how to be a model. It is something I want to do and I think alot of girls let the judgement of others define them too much when it comes to working as a model. I think if you want to do something you have to make it happen. You can't wait for the chance to come to you, you have to create it.

Alot of girls ask me if I think they can be models, and my answer is not yes or no, it is Do You Think You Can? Because modeling is about having confidence, it is about luck, research, work and trying, and if you think you can do it, then you will have enough will to seek out the answers you need and become who want to be. Do what you want to do, and make it happen. No on can tell you that you can be something, you have to believe it yourself first, and chase it. Modeling is not an easy business, it is not something that takes walking the "wasy way out" or "shortcutting" the business, to work as a model you have to work hard, be involved with your pursuits, and these days think bigger than what is even seen in society. Ok, so there are NO models walking on the runway, but that is a very small percentage of models, Ok so there are not a ton of models of all ethnicities working, but if you focus on where models of your height, and kind are you will see that there IS a market for you. If you work hard, strive to work with great photographers, create the photos you need to sell you, and submit your photos to agencies you will get what you want as a model.

Think of the models you have seen in ads, they are not just stunning, they are modeling for a product, a brand. To do this you need to work with great agencies that work with great brands and get castings for great products and magazines.
It does take work to get in the door. Being a model today isn't just about being scouted off the street, it is also about making yourself a model, and more: It is about making yourself who you want to be.

Or you can settle and just be a hot chick on the web, but really that is not modeling at all. The word modeling tends to mean today beautiful, perfect, hot, skinny, naked, flawless, but really modeling is modeling a product, co-siding a story in a magazine, representing a brand, telling a story, and if you haven't done this....then you are not modeling.

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