Thursday, July 3, 2008

Types of Modeling,-knowing your modeling niche

Your modeling niche is the area of modeling you should be pursuing. maybe your a short girl and you are focusing on fashion photography too much, maybe you are working with the wrong photographers and they are not shooting you in ways that will benefit you, maybe you are stuck in a rut with bad photos, no representation, and no modeling jobs?

Well it could be the way you are marketing yourself, it doesn't take a video, or a modeling school to tell you that.

Thinking like a marketer is so important when it comes to being a model and getting consistant work as one.

Knowing where you fit in the modeling industry:
Think about what you have to offer the industry, is it your hands, your feet, your tone body? Is it your energy? Your great hair, your diverse look?
Often I see models that are just attractive girl next doors, just people who are attractive and not cat walkers, so maybe your niche is something you are not focusing on. Modeling is more than fashion but if you approach the business only thinking of fashion, and trying to be something you aren't then getting modeling wok and an agent won't happen for you. However if you approach the business with knowing what you can in deed model, and where you fit in the industry you will get an agent and the work will come to you quicker and easier.

Finding your modeling niche:
So your not 5'10" but your first modeling job could be shoe modeling, hand modeling, parts modeling, hair modeling, modeling sunglasses, modeling for aspiring brands that want to work with aspiring models, and also magazines that DO accept submissions and models of all heights. ( not vogue, but more lifestyle magazines like Glamour.) Are you considering the types of modeling that you are actually good for, or are you focusing on areas in modeling that do not fit your niche?

Do you photos speak towards your modeling niche:
Sure it feels hot to model some hot high heels and a fashionista outfit, but don't forget that most commercial print models and working models are not 5'10" but they DO have photos that are lifestyle like. They have images that speak about the modeling work they can indeed get. Remember the importance of a simple shot of you in jeans or a skirt and laughing.

Going towards your niche market:

And getting over the internet trends of feeling hot over a hit or click is the first step. Most of the girls using internet sites are short, they are not tall and they get stuck on the web and don't know how to slip out of the internet world where they feel accepted. Although to get ahead you need to let yourself be seen in more ways than just the web, you need a compcard, you need a headshot, you need to mail it to agencies and towards the market you are good for. Work on your photos, perfect your image, show what you are good to model, but realistic with yourself and take control of your pursuits. Chasing what you want is not easy, but it is possible!

Have a great 4th of July!

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