Thursday, July 3, 2008

You can be a model or not?

A lot of girls are told they can model or scouted out, and they get mislead. Alot of people are told they can be a model with the wrong managers, wrong agents, and it never really happens.

My best advice about entering the modeling business is:

Learn about the business, think about what a model is, look at magazines and editorials, notice ad campaigns, and understand the business and where models are used before you try to approach it the wrong way. With the wrong photos, photographers, and make a lot of mistakes.

There are certain steps that have to be taken, such as getting great photos, marketing yourself, and it is really a business of solitude. I didn't go to castings with friends, to meet agents with friends or family, I did it myself, I go to castings my self. I walk in the door myself.

Before you let someone tell you that you can be a model you need to already have a few things:
1. Confidence: The modeling business is a business of NO's and if you take these no's to heart it can really mess up for ego. It is a business and sometimes you won't be what they ( casting directors, agents, art directors) are looking for.
You need to take the No's in stride and keep striving! This is something you have to be able to do to work as a model.
2. Persistance and proactive approach: Waiting for the phone to ring doesn't make your dreams happen any faster. You have to be prepared for the work that comes with being a model. The days of being discovered by just being hot and attractive are over. It takes more than a pretty face to be a model.
3. A realistic approach. Staying ambitious is key and knowing your market and niche, knowing how to marketing yourself and to what type of agents. Remember there is more than Elite, Next and Ford, there are many legit commercial print modeling agencies for commercial print work and commercial modeling, but you do have to have photos that show you can do this type of modeling. The mistake most models make is marketing themselves the wrong way. To the wrong agencies and not having the right marketing tools: photos that can speak for them and what they are capable of.

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