Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Modeling agencies Do Accept you, but do you know they exist?

Most girls that want to model are under 5'8" most of these girls forget the possibility they have at commercial print modeling agencies. Of course having good photos ahead of time and doing some behind the scenes work is important.
I always think preparing your own photos is important when it comes to marketing yourself. And having all types of photos handy. Along with having a compcard.

These are a few ways I got interest from my modeling agencies:

1. Niche market. - PARTS, I am a body parts model, for hands, feet, legs, ect, and I have created photos for this market and put together a part card, which I mailed to the parts agency. It took working with a certain photographer to first understand what PARTS modeling was. But once I learned, I was quick to try to get involved and it was a great way for a petite model to get an agency and great work as a model. Not all agencies have PARTS divisions, so I would call or ask or look at the website before hand.

2. Having a tearsheet and some experience first. By having a few tearsheets it has helped me get an agent, I have had to submit to magazines, and promote myself, manage myself and get some modeling work even before I got a good agent. It is important if possible to try to book your own work,- it helps to print a compcard and mail it to small magazines or weekly beauty and life magazines, or magazines that are more lifestyle. (especially for petite's)

3. Constant mailings and updating my photos. Don't give up after one mailing to an agency, - if you don't hear back keep trying, update your photos, and in a month or so try again with another mailing and new compcard. Invest in yourself, keep practing it might take 5 tries or more until you hear back!

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