Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My modeling agent emails me

And asks me to send her a photo of myself for a casting she is submitting me to last minute. It really helps that I have a lot of photos and a variety of types of photos, and I can quickly email her whatever is needed.

I basically have legit photo, ready, that could be send to every type of modeling job there could be at any time. A topless shot, a behind shot, a face shot, a full body, in a dress, in swimwear, wearing a hat, wearing jewelry, wearing shoes, ect.

Depending on the type of modeling you are focusing on, you need to have photos that can best represent you. As a model I want to be able to use all I have to get ahead. So sometimes that means opening photoshop, and cropping a photo myself to submit the picture I need to my agency so that I can have the chance at the job.

I have made sure that I have photos that can help market me in many ways, you should do this too. Don't limit yourself and chances by just having one type of photo of yourself. You need many.

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