Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just Who Will You Be, by Maria Shriver, a book for every girl in America

Right now I am reading a book about Andrew Carnegie and I think reading about the roots of successful people is very inspiring. Each night I take a moment every day to breath, read, and relax. Even if it is just ten minutes. It also helps me sleep.

Especially when my mind is running wild all day and I am self promoting and being my own publicist and pitchng and talking to my self, debating ideas, and writing, and researching, and running around the city, I need a moment, even just 5 minutes to read about something unrelated to my own pursuits and something that will inspire me, make me go, "yeah...I feel that."

Or something I can learn something from. I love learning and I didn't always love school, but I love reading biographies and books.

Maria Shriver is an inspiring woman, a woman I would love to meet. And her book "Just Who Will You Be? is the next book on my list, I just watched an amazing touching segment on Oprah about it and it is one I hope you read or download at

Biographies are great choices as well and I loved one I also have read on Chanel.

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