Saturday, August 2, 2008

police officer to artist, and the other way around, Chris Evans explores the relation, and Anthony John Gray the painter and the police force

I found an article called "The Force Was with Them" by Sara Rafsky in the summer issue of ARTnews very interesting.

It mentions the possibility of having your dream, and survival income at the same time. The article starts with Chris Evans, who is a British conceptual artist, he has formed and organized “Cop Talks for art students", the organization is sponsored by a nonprofit called Creative Time, and the talks take place at art schools, such as Pratt in Brooklyn, and act as recruiting sessions for the police force to advocate to budding artists about the possibility of having a stable income and your dream. The session focuses on the pragmatic benefits of being a police officer, such as “unlimited sick days, and retirement after 20 years with pension.”

Although Mr. Evan’s does not plan to join the force, and even though there is a dubious reaction from students to the sessions, he does want art students to have the “opportunity to learn about other careers.”

Another artist, oil painter Anthony John Gray, has also brought together the art world and the police force, Mr. Gray was a police officer with the Sussex Constabulary before he left the force undertaking a self taught journey into the visual arts, and his career as a painter took off in the early 80’s. Anthony John Gray’s latest ensemble is a pixilated collection of oils titled “Eyecons,” and the painting above is one called “ Sugar Mama” and it is a pixilated impression of jazz sensation John Lee Hooker’s hand, which is holding one of Mr. Gray’s own symbolic icons; the half moon of a woman’s face, which appears in many of his works.

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