Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Head-to-Toe Guide to Natural Health

I recently wrote this article for based on the Head to Toe Guide to Natural Health:

From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, there are many ways to maintain your good health. Here are some natural remedies for your body, to give extra attention to places on your body… even your brain.

Brain - If you're feeling uninspired and not motivated, consider yoga, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, or Tai Chi. These are known depression-fighters and will bring in the positive energy.

Eyes - Have you ever heard of Bilberries? No, this is not a typo. Bilberries are cousins with the blueberry, but unlike the blueberry, which grows in clusters; these bilberries are grown as a single berry or as paired berries. Bilberries can be eaten for better eyesight and to improve circulation.

Read more of the article here at

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