Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Queen Size Fashion- Is Fashion an Art or a Commerce?

I am catching up on the piles of editorials which I admire and which I try to plug into my blogs. I really enjoyed Christina Binkley's article called "Dressing Women Of a Certain Size." Even though I am petite, I have plus-sized loved ones, and I do think that the petite AND the plus size or "queen size" fashion worlds have some serious fashion issues.

Especially if you are just out of college, and you have college loans, a budget, and then you need a dress for your friend's wedding! It is nuts trying to shop. This past Spring my sister got married and got all of our brides maid dresses, surprisingly at H&M, and they basically fit every girl of a few different sizes, without much adjusting.

Yes Christina's article mentioned some great designers and people who are in support of the "queen size girl" such as Tadashi Shoji, who has designed dresses for Queen Latifah, and Paige Adams-Geller who has jeans up to size 4X-28. She said " There are a lot of people out there with money to spend." - Still there are not enough designers bringing the plus-size fashion world to life for all the ages.

There is such a fantasy out there on the runway, and we love the fantasy and art of fashion, but the truth of what we wear, and how we live is off the runway. And the fantasy should end and reality should kick in..for the designer. Especially because the average woman is not a size 2.

As a very petite person I am the wrong person to scream for the plus size, but I do feel a fashion fallout in the petite world as well. I shop at H&M, Zara, Forever21, I want some personality and sophistication in my clothing and I can't afford more than about $70 per item of clothing I have, unless it is something special or something I really, really like. I wonder in 5 years when I am 30 where I will shop?
Well hopefully I will be making more money then, and might be able to walk into some higher priced stores, but that doesn't mean they will have my size. We all need to find a good tailor.

As for a girl in her 20's and 30's today. There are curvy teen jeans, and Lane Bryant but not much in-between. Especially with a price point that is sensitive to the honest budget of most woman who are 21-35 today. Although New York and Company does have some nice items for a plus size girl.

I liked it when Tadashi Shoji said, "We aren't doing art-this is commerce."

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned having a difficult time finding petite clothes. You might want to try, a directory of stores with petite sizes.
