Monday, October 20, 2008

Models that Freelance- ask your questions

..if you are freelancing as a model and are managing yourself then KNOW how to manager yourself-maybe you don't have an agent yet, and maybe you are looking for modeling work, then please keep in mind the following 3 things.

We all make mistakes, but honestly, if we think of the bigger picture, and ask ourselves, is this worth it, does this benefit where I want to go, and is this job going to enhance my pursuits or knock them down or haunt me later?- If yes, then don't feel you have to do it, be a smart model and here are ways to be:

1. Ask questions when it comes to films, print projects, and video camera work, make sure you know all details. Remember the girl who was in a commercial for what she thought was a jewerly commercial and was filmed giving an orgasm. Make sure your know the details before you do a job!! She thought she was just acting. Well, to prevent from making mistakes like this, be a smarter model and ask questions, get all the details, and even while you are filming, if something seems weird or wrong or you are not sure, then just get up and leave, or ask for a minute to understand the role and make sure it is something you WANT to do. Don't feel that your whole modeling pursuits are based on this one job, and be smart about what you say YES too. Buyer beware and Model beware, if you are not careful you could end up with regrets. And it will be you to blame.

2. Ask for samples of the production teams work, and a meeting ahead of time to talk about the project. Do not work with any one without seeing their work first. Freelancing means you have to watch your own self. So be professional and respect yourself and ask questions before you accept the job. Don't you want to KNOW who you are working with?

3. Know about the marketing the production expects. Ask where the job will be seen, exposed, and find out if it is for web, print, a commercial, and where you might see a copy, or will you get a copy?

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