Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Headshot Resume and Model Submissions

Today working on my acting resume and headshot, I am getting it printed at www.compcard.com and I am getting the resume printed on the back of the headshot. No staples needed. I am working on my resume and format right now, and it reminds me of how much a person has to do for herself and how much of time and energy it does actually take to get your stuff together. Alot of girls think that being a model has only to do with height, and your looks, and being hot and pretty, but really being a model, and booking acting work as well, takes a lot of time, and effort. You lick the envelope, you punch on the stamp.

You can find me at Borders often, and a day and the life involves going there and grabbing all the magazines I want to be in, like Glamour, Marie Claire,Complex, Interview, and finding the editors names and the address, and submitting my photos ( compcard) and my press releases as well. I can go through two books of stamps a week, and about 20 envelopes or more.

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