Tuesday, October 21, 2008

P.O.D Lights Out with Isobella Jade

The Model does have to do her homework, and when it comes to finding copies of your work, it does take some savvy Googling.

While updating my resume today I did some hunting on the director of a music video I was featured in called "Lights Out" for the band called P.O.D, and I found the video on the director's Youtube page.

Here are some still I made by pressing print screen and then going into Photoshop and pasting it into a new page. Not bad for my own handy work.

You can see me in my bandana during my short hair days running towards the band during the first ten seconds and being all giddy over an autograph, portraying a fan.

I hadn't heard of the band until the day of shooting but their not bad!
To see the Lights Out video click here.

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