Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Around The Clock on 9th street is gone?

My favorite dive near St. Marks is closing! I am pissed and these are my thoughts on finding out about the chance it might close next week!

“Last week, we were checking out the last of a record store’s vinyl’s on St. Marks, and I hear someone saying “Around the clock is closing.” And I whisper to one of my favorite photographers “Is it really closing?”

We were about to go there afterward to discuss a shot I wanted to produce that involves wearing an American Apparel gray zippy sweater-and some hot heels. I need shots these days that express my legs, and petite self. We had planned a few other shoots while sipping beer, coffee, munching on omelets, at Around’ the Clock, at 484 9th Street.

You’ know two doors down from Third Avenue, and next to the St. Marks bookstore. Come-on you know it. You can’t miss it. It is an artist R&R paradise.

You can enjoy quality coffee, sit on a porch on a sunny day, and the service is great and they keep pouring and pouring you coffee for no extra charge. It is one of the best places a model can get a good meal, for almost nothing. And a 2 dollar beer during Happy Hours, -yes there are 2 happy hours-4pm-8pm and then it is 11pm-3am.

They say they want to re-do the floors, but why would you do that now? During this economic crisis? And those floors are the personality of the place, so many are assuming the place is gone. I am pretty pissed.

There is not a place like it in the city. Many-a-model have enjoyed drinks there, conversations, and felt at home. I recall clicking my heels on their wood floors and loving their grill cheese, and I have had many long conversations about the industry, the good, the bad and the ugly of being a model, right there, at the bar, or on that porch. It feeds many people in the industry and “Where is 7 on your side?”
Do I have to go back to the dollar menu for a meal?”

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